Ollie is just an average Joe that has the good fortune of having his vocation match is avocation, in the design and development of Business Software, Component Frameworks and Distributed Processing Architectures to put the power on the Edge.
MikeOliverAZ's Articles In Welcome
January 17, 2004 by MikeOliverAZ
I am a little slow, I have known about Blogs for a long time, I even tried hosting one on one of my computers, but I never kept up with it. I was always trying new things, HotComm, Magi, Groove, and a host of others and I have every Intant Messenger known to man on at least one computer of mine. So why now? Because I want someplace to put the happenings and info I want to publish, that is neither directly related to my company, http://www.matrix-media.com or our products, but more for per...